Hudson’s Adventure Island(NES) Free Play Online


Hudson's Adventure Island, also called Takahashi Meijin no Bōken Jima (高橋名人の冒険島) in Japan and simply Adventure Island in other regions, is a classic side-scrolling platform game developed by Hudson Soft. It debuted in Japan for the Famicom and MSX on September 12, 1986. The game later made its way to North America in 1988 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and to the PAL region in 1992.

Hudson's Adventure Island

Adventure Island is a reimagining of the arcade title Wonder Boy, originally created by Escape for Sega. Although Adventure Island drew inspiration from Wonder Boy, it evolved into a separate series with its own sequels that bore no direct ties to the Wonder Boy franchise.

Game Play

In Adventure Island, the protagonist, Master Higgins, loses a life when he comes into contact with enemies, enemy attacks, fire hazards, or by falling into traps like pits or water. The player’s health is represented by a gauge starting with 11 points, which decreases over time or whenever Higgins stumbles on obstacles like rocks. If Higgins' health depletes to zero, he loses a life. If the player has remaining lives, Higgins respawns at the last checkpoint. The game concludes when all lives are lost. To recover health, Higgins can collect fruit or milk bottles, and his health can increase to a maximum of 16 points. Additional lives are awarded when the player's score reaches 50,000, 100,000, and 200,000 points. A special bee-like fairy named Honey Girl grants Higgins temporary invincibility for about ten seconds, enabling him to defeat enemies by simply touching them. Furthermore, each stage contains a hidden pot that boosts the player’s end-of-stage bonus.

This guide is based on information from the original source: Adventure Island (video game).